Spotted Bear Spirits
We draw inspiration from the wild places and rugged landscapes—Montana’s heart & soul. Once you rest here for a while you find the gems—the trails and rivers less traveled—like the Spotted Bear Ranger District, Point of Entry into The Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex.
Adventure-filled and sun-dappled days spent river running, fishing, hiking, reading, skiing, and regrouping in the evening around the campfire to sip spirits, share stories and create new memories. We want Spotted Bear Spirits to be a place for congregation—for memories to be made and stories shared—a meeting place for our community—and a space for creativity.
The community drives our business. There is a wealth of talent in this little valley of ours and if we work together we can build something incredible—we can give back to our community through cultivating creativity.
Wonderful farms in our vibrant mountain town produce fresh, heirloom produce—and since what you put in your body is important, we use organic & local ingredients in our spirits and cocktails whenever possible. Because we want you to feel light and bright and healthy so you can keep shredding powder lines and logging miles on those hiking boots.
Here’s to the adventure!
503 Railway St, Ste AWhitefish, MT, 59937
(406) 730 - 2436