KettleHouse Brewing Co. - Bonner
The newest member of the KettleHouse family “K3” arrived in January 2017 after 3 years of arduous labor by many people, agencies and machinery. Its brethren and sistren, K1 (at 602 Myrtle St) and K2 (at 313 N 1st St W), are said to be overjoyed.
Seriously though, our newest venture, “K3” as it’s affectionately known, was built on the banks of the Big Blackfoot River in Bonner, Montana – about 5 miles east of Missoula. Situated on 18 acres of the former Stimson Lumber Co. mill site, we use crystal clear water from the pure aquifer below us to brew up your favorites!
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605 Cold Smoke AveBonner, MT, 59823
(406) 728 - 1660