Quarry Brewing Co.
Quarry Brewing is now open as of August 2nd, 2024!
Come on in and try a brew!
Quarry craft beers have earned rave reviews from the beer lovers who have sampled their traditional-style ales in the tap room and at craft brew festivals throughout Montana. Chuck Schnabel, our brewer, has always appreciated and applied the traditional German purity law known as the Reinheitsgebot which mandates brewing with the choicest hops, barley, yeast and water. However, because of the availability of so many quality ingredients to Montana craft brewers, he has introduced fruity and flavored beers to the tasting room.
We offer a regular assortment of favorites that many of our local Mug Club Members enjoy, as well as a great selection of seasonal brews that are rotated to please everyone who walks through our doors. We are family friendly and have a quaint little play area for your children to enjoy while you relax with one of our great selections of beer. They will love our fresh popped popcorn with a nice cold mug of the root beer or orange cream soda that we also brew on site! Whatever your reason for stopping by our wonderful community of Butte, we hope you will make Quarry Brewing one of your destinations! Whether you prefer a traditional ale or you are looking for modern twist, one taste will tell you......at Quarry, we dig beer!
124 W Broadway StButte, MT, 59701
(406) 723 - 0245